Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The BMW X5 Security Plus - Now Available in Midnight Black with AK-47 Protection

2009 BMW X5 Security Plus

Let's say you live in the suburbs and work downtown. You always take the highway because it's a safer route, but surface streets would be so much faster if you could just get over your fear of driving through the inner city. BMW has heeded your call. The BMW X5 Security Plus is the anxious commuter's new best friend. Now, for the first time ever available to the public from a high volume manufacturer, you have access to a Class 6 bullet proof vehicle with armor plating. Designed to handle heavy AK-47 fire and be impervious to clubbing, the new Security Plus option also has sealed joints that prevent penetration from bullets or fragments and make virtually impossible your being pried from the vehicle with a crossbar. Robbery, abduction and carjacking are things of the past as long as you are inside your personal BMW "safe room." Jodi Foster would be proud.

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